दक्षिण विज्ञान एवं amp; प्रौद्योगिकी
चुंबक स्कूल
755 सेंट जॉन्स एवेन्यू।
टेलीफोन: 419-996-3190 | फैक्स: 419-996-3191
विद्यार्थी समय: प्रातः 8:00 बजे से अपराह्न 3:00 बजे तक। | प्रत्येक बुधवार को दोपहर 2:15 बजे शीघ्र रिलीज़।
K-8 Building
One of only four K-8 science and technology schools in the state
Daily experiences in hands-on science and technology labs
Engineering curriculum through Project Lead the Way
Robotics competitions
Named High Progress School of Honor by the state for three consecutive years
Astronomy Club, Environmental Club, Student Council
Choir, band and orchestra opportunities
In-house recording studio
Builders Club in partnership with Lima Kiwanis Club, promotes community service
Students learn about agribusiness and host Farm Day and Science Night
Stardust: The William A. Fowler Science Series, a partnership with the city of Lima and OSU-Lima
Kids Hope mentors work with students
Youth sports available: Basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, track and field, volleyball and wrestling
Seventh and eighth-graders participate in Toledo City Athletic League Conference: Football, cheerleading, soccer, volleyball, basketball, bowling, wrestling, swim, baseball, softball and track and field, baseball.