Who We Are
The Lima City Schools represents the largest preschool through 12th-grade public school system in Allen County and the region, serving a diverse population of about 4,000 students. Since 1856, the district has been dedicated to its mission to "create a climate in which every student learns."
Lima Senior High School
Our comprehensive high school offers academic pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Business and Humanities. There is also an undecided option.
Elective options are vast and include Holocaust, Psychology, Sociology, African American History, Philosophy, Web Design, multiple art options and 12 vocal and instrumental music options. Dual enrollment opportunities are also available.
The high school also offers a full Career Technical Education program with culinary, construction trades, automotive, audio engineering, agriculture and outdoor occupations (FFA), welding, graphic design, health careers, early childhood education, marketing and engineering technologies programs.
Students get hands-on experience working on the school’s farm and in the on-site restaurant, auto garage, graphics shop and Head Start preschool, and doing construction work in the community.
DECA Marketing students have consistently qualified for the international competition. The school has had one first-place International winner.

The high school also offers a Digital Academy. The option is designed for self-motivated students who would like a format different from the traditional classroom. All their classes are taken online using a standards-aligned curriculum. Needed technology is provided by the school.
K-8 Buildings
The Lima City Schools is made up of four elementary schools, a fifth and sixth-grade building, a seventh and eighth-grade building and two kindergarten through eighth-grade magnet schools.
The neighborhood elementary schools and middle schools offer many opportunities for students. Orchestra starts in the fourth grade and there are many music groups available to even the youngest of students.
Our students are involved in K-Kids and Builders Clubs and community service projects. A Careers course at West Middle School gets students thinking about careers and high school course options. Several of our schools also have extensive afterschool programs.
All of the schools have programs and special events to bring families into the buildings to better build relationships with staff. Mentors from the community are also involved with many of our schools.
Our Enrichment Program begins in the third grade and includes additional hands-on projects for gifted students. Students are tested for the program in the second grade. The program goes through middle school.
Magnet Schools
An Arts Magnet School is located at Liberty and a Science and Technology Magnet School is at South. Both are kindergarten through eighth-grade buildings. Both are open to all students, with spots filled through a lottery process each spring.
Arts Magnet students of all ages take art, music, drama and dance along with traditional academic classes. There are a number of performance options, including the Touring Company, Show Choir, Steel Drum Band and Dulcimers.
Science and Technology is woven through all subject areas in the Science and Technology Magnet. Programs in the curriculum include Robotics, Project Lead the Way and Engineering/Design. The school has an Astronomy Club and a Robotics Club that competes throughout the school year.

Special Education
We offer a full continuum of services to students with disabilities. We take a cross-categorical approach when placing students. The focus for appropriate placement is not based solely on disability, but more importantly, the unique needs of each individual student.
Strong student-teacher ratios are maintained in all classrooms. We have our own occupational, physical and speech therapists to work with students, and the ability to contract for other services when needed.
Lima Senior has a strong transitions program, including a transitions coordinator to help students move from high school to the real world.
Facilities & Athletics
Our students learn in state-of-the-art facilities. The district partnered with the Ohio School Facilities Commission and with support from voters, completed a four-year building and renovation project in 2005.
Our middle school and high school athletes now compete in the Toledo City League. We are 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 boys basketball TRAC Champions.
Our youth sports program offers opportunities for students as young as first grade. They include baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse and wrestling.

To create a climate in which every student learns.
Belief Statements
Students should have access to a high quality education in a safe and always supportive environment.
In high expectations for student achievement, and we accept responsibility for helping students meet those expectations.
Students deserve access to lifelong learning provided by high quality staff members who prepare them for careers or higher education.
Keeping students at the forefront of all our decision making will lead to a safe environment that supports academics and social growth.
Students should have access to a rigorous curriculum that fosters a growth mindset and understanding that all students can continue to grow and succeed.
Every staff member must understand the value of a comprehensive curriculum that leaves no child behind and fosters success.
The school community should promote an environment of high expectations, trust and respect, hope and belonging.
In the commitment to provide an emotionally and physically safe and supportive environment.
Staff should collaboratively use action research to refine best practices in instruction that impact student performance.
In our city, its people and the future of Lima.
We are the home of the Spartans and We Believe in Lima!
*Additional information on our programs and offerings are available throughout this website.
**The Lima City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities.
The following Title II, Title Vi, and Section 504 coordinators have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Jill Ackerman, Superintendent, 755 St. Johns Ave., Lima, OH 45804, 419-996-3422
Brian Wischmeyer, director of special education, 1135 N. West St., Lima, OH 45801, 419-996-3403.
The following Title IX Coordinators have been designated to handle inquiries regarding this non-discrimination policy.
Darnell Collins, Alternative School Principal, 755 St. Johns Ave., Lima, OH 45804, 419-996-3371
Heather Sharp, Treasurer, 755 St. Johns Ave., Lima, OH 45804, 419-996-3448