The Lima City Schools recently recognized this year’s “Outstanding 11” award winners.
A staff member from each school building receives the honor each year. They are nominated by their peers.
The district began the awards in 2011 after a visit from nationally-known educator Ron Clark, author of “The Excellent 11.” The winners demonstrate Clark’s 11 qualities to motivate and educate children: enthusiasm, adventure, creativity, reflection, balance, compassion, confidence, humor, common sense, appreciation and resilience.
The following staff members were recognized:
Heritage Elementary School: Laurie Parent
Independence Elementary School: Annette Zell
Unity Elementary School: Jennifer Biglow
Freedom Elementary School: Hannah Buschur
North Middle School: Shanda Lochard
West Middle School: Erica Zofkie
South Science and Technology Magnet: Beth Graff
Liberty Arts Magnet: Lindsay Fittro
Lima Senior Alternative School: Nehemiah Murphy
Lima Senior High School: Bruce Rellinger